Skin Therapy
We offer skin therapy for dogs and cats experiencing serious skin issues. We will work hand in hand with the information and any treatment plan that may have been provided by your veterinarian. Skin therapy is usually found as a last ditch effort for skin problems that haven't had success in treatment with medical intervention alone. This is a complex and multi-step process that uses products that enhance the wellbeing of your pet's hair and coat and return the skin to its normal state.

Ozone Therapy
In combination with your vet's treatment plan and our specialized product line, ozone therapy has been found to help with:
FUNGUS Dermatophytosis Dermatomycosis malassezia dermatitis Candidiasis
ALLERGIES dermatitis flea-allergy dermatitis food-allergy atopic dermatitis
SEBORRHEA moist seborrhea & dry seborrhea
LEISHMANIASIS for skin and coat nourishment a force & barrier against external agents.
ALOPECIA trauma surgical shavings follicular atrophy adenitis of sebaceous glands follicular dystrophy alopecia of color dilution skin hydration
ITCHING to combat proliferation of bacteria and malassezia that cause itching.
WOUNDS prevent or treat infection encourage healing
MISC APPLICATIONS soothe arthritic joints post-surgical orthopedic joint therapies –following healed incision.
Therapy Frequency & Timeline
Skin therapy is an extensive process. You should plan on at least 6 weeks for the therapy process for optimal results. Your pet may require 2 visits per week, occasionally more, depending on the issue at hand.